Recently, a colleague from Fuqua gave me the details on the upcoming Duke India Business Forum (www.dukeibf.com/DukeIBF/Home.html). The date of the event is March 22, and registration is available online.
I hope that the students who have worked incredibly hard to plan the event, attract worldwide business leaders as conference speakers, and organize important, student-oriented questions to address at the conference are rewarded with a broad base of participants. Although I expect to see many Indian students in attendance, I'd like to encourage non-Indian Fuqua students to attend as well. I recognize that the student life at Duke is busy and that multiple opportunities for learning and interaction compete for students' time and attention. However, the importance of India to the business world - a world in which we will all be players in the coming year - is impossible to ignore. The more prepared we are to encounter, partner with, and learn from India, the better global business leaders we will be.
Having spent 2 1/2 months in India at ISB and traveling through the country, I can appreciate how much potential and need exists in the country. The IT sector has gained much attention, and the outsourcing of manufacturing, BPO services, and pharmaceutical production have entered India's increasing global spotlight as well. With over 1.2 billion inhabitants, the country cannot be ignored and will certainly impact each of our careers post-Fuqua.
As the country climbs the development ladder and becomes evermore important as both producer and consumer of global goods and services though, the disparity in wealth and opportunity continues to exist. Whether we have come to business school to learn about operations or marketing or strategy, we will leave Fuqua as leaders of consequence, and India's vast opportunity and complexity will have an impact on us all. Hopefully we will impact India and her people positively as well, and the Duke IBF is a great way to help define how each of us can make our mark.
Please consider joining the event, and enjoy!
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